Four Trends Shaping the Future of Public Cloud Solutions

In post-Covid times, businesses have partially or completely shifted to Public Cloud solutions. May it be to stay connected with their staff, customers, or both, from anywhere at any time. 

However, the cloud is constantly evolving.

According to recent research from Gartner, four trends are paving the way to the future of Public Cloud Solutions. Namely,

  • Cloud Ubiquity
  • Regional Cloud Ecosystems
  • Sustainability and Carbon Intelligent Cloud
  • Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services (or CIPS).

Through their study, Gartner’s Senior Research Director Henrique Cecci predicts quick growth in the adoption of cloud services and other similar digital innovations. While discussing the social, economic and organizational impact of the pandemic, he further adds, “This is especially true for use-cases (as in) collaboration, remote work and new digital services that support hybrid workforce.”

Public Cloud Solutions & New Digital Services

Cloud Ubiquity (Cloud Public Solutions)

The rapid growth in global cloud adoption is owed to the new distributed cloud models such as Hybrid, Multi-cloud and Edge environments.

Broadening the cloud’s ubiquitous usage, these smart models are responsible for making cloud-based services more flexible, resilient, scalable and speedy at all levels.

According to the study, latest wireless communication developments, i.e. 5G R16 and R17, will accelerate the adoption of cloud services even further.

Regional Cloud Ecosystems

With cloud services being accessible from any part of the world, new regional and vertical cloud ecosystems have to be introduced every so often. As each region is dictated under a different set of regulations from the local authorities.

Businesses in the public or financial sectors naturally want to reduce any risks of critical lock-ins and/or any single point of failure with cloud providers stationed in another country.

Similarly, regions that don’t have any local or regional cloud ecosystems end up depending on platform ecosystems created elsewhere.

All these concerns have now led to initiatives like GAIA-X, where international leaders from business, politics and science are trying to propose the next generation of data infrastructure.

The GAIA-X initiative is all about creating a secure data infrastructure that ensures data and services can be shared globally, within a trusted environment. While users can retain full sovereignty over what data is shared publicly or otherwise.

Public Cloud Solutions

Sustainability and Carbon-Intelligent Cloud 

Environmental and climate change issues are a concern for everyone in current times. So, the impact of cloud technologies on our climate is no exception.

It has pushed cloud providers to put in extra efforts to reduce their carbon footprint and make advances towards carbon sustainability and neutrality.

Having quick access to cloud services is nice but it should not be at the expense of Earth’s environment.

Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services (CIPS)

The future is all about automation through Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning (ML). That’s why CIPS providers are focusing on developing fully AI- or ML-enabled cloud services.

In turn, this will quickly eliminate the manual operations (basic I&O roles) required in the public cloud.

In their research, Cecci declares, “Infrastructure is becoming programmable and its operation is subsequently becoming automated.”

Then he continues to explain how modern IT infrastructure, no matter if it’s deployed in a local data center or a cloud, doesn’t require as much manual intervention or routine administration as compared to its previous counterparts.

Moving Your Business to the Cloud

Realizing how companies are adopting cloud solutions to increase their availability, accessibility, and adaptability, many businesses must be interested to know more about it, right?

If you are one of them, you require a reliable cloud provider to guide you through the whole migration process.

Puffersoft is one such reliable cloud consultancy firm that offers tailored cloud services to companies all over. Helping businesses through implementing proven cloud practices to make their infrastructure agile, safe from threats, and adaptable with new environments.

To get more information or want to learn more about our services, Reach out to us!